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Capital ain't a prop.... It's a way to call what is actually consolidation of power, and its endless territorializations. What do you think people imply when thy say "capital"? Not Marxism, but rather a consolidation of interests and power over something.

The props are the many things and devices that are built in the attempt at reifying this capital. Such are fences, gates, landscaping, etc. These things are not capital but its multifaceted spatial and temporal concretizations. They stop making sense the moment property becomes denied or erased in some way, like during an expropriation, or a squatting effort.

You are totally paranoid but it's not your fault. It's theirs!

So I don't see where's the big contradiction with what I was saying about the "candy over our heads". Of course it's a spook, muchacho; that's the fucking point with the whole quest for power. Nobody needs to appropriate land to make use of it, idiots. It's just an empty old imperative that just keeps working because people are working with/for it. The capitalist dogma sez we gotta buy some piece of land in order to build our free dum. This shit been happenin' ever since the Virginia Plantation.