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In bad times when meat space and effective discourse is failing and being outflanked by your opponent you go back to the theoretical drawing board. I've been repeating time and time again that anarchy and radicalism that matters needs to return to salonical theory building to prep for a new kind of 21st century radicalism. Study where the altright came from and you get a clue of what needs to be done. Antifa represents the old model that no longer works and never worked to begin with.

I've asked before and I'll ask again, why does fascism require a dedicated anti-elective position? It's a branch of authority and anarchists already have that covered. The only people who are interested in a specific antifa elective ideology have ulterior motives that have nothing to do with anarchy. The fact is that most people do not perceive fascism as an existential threat and it indeed isn't the current revival is actual a diminished return compared to its classical counterpart just as modern radicalism is not as potent as the classical 19th century stuff. Leave antifascism to the the liberals and the commies who have an umbrellad or humanist footsoldiering interest in such an elective. It makes no sense for anarchism or anarchy and actually hinders things in regards to a healthy radical dialect.