Anarchy Radio 05-12-2020

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Zoom fatigue; social media detox needed. MORE liberal whining over Planet of the Humans.Climate change pushing pandemics. Greater CO2 rise despite pandemic shutdowns. ElonMusk's son named X AE A-12: hello cyborg techno-fascism. Extremes of global temperaturesarriving sooner than expected. Robotic graduation ceremony in Tokyo. End of Black Mirror:"Life is the Black Mirror," says show's creator. 5G tower attacks not abating. Google dropsToronto high-tech neighborhood plan. Action briefs (e.g. wild elk destroy "Danger: Wild Elk"sign.).

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There are 11 Comments

I don't where this guy gets his credibility? Maybe it's historical credit with he uses for naïve new JZ followers. The guy had no problem posting his weekly repeat and drawl to a site he has said he wants nothing to do with! Just like he tells people how they ought to live but doesn't live it himself. He rants on about morality yet posts his podcast to the despicable ANews site!

If hypocrisy were a crime we would all be in jail by now. JZ does not live in the woods.Neither does Tucker. What of it? Both are Luddites and yet both use technology. What of it? JZ is a writer, a theorist, and has been for thirty years. His positions and assertions about technology, division of labor and symbolic culture are well known.Engage with this material and stop the ad hominem attacks.Both ends- ANEWS and JZ- need to bury the hatchet.

don't live up to some standard of purity. i do care when people who lambast others for not being pure demonstrate their own frailties as if they're different (without ever explaining why or how they're so special).

it is too late for jz to make amends, if he even wanted to. he only ever is a sanctimonious speaker and sloppy thinker. well, they both are, but jz's been around longer and used to be smart. ;;;;

clearly mutually benefit from each other even if the situation is tense...

in the end i do enjoy the conflict-infrastructure element of @news, even if sometimes it makes me really mad.

'How about those who spout population reduction but have large wealthy families? Many greens talk about it too, why don't they practice what they write and there are plenty of them and there are plenty of cliffs!'

How about you stop building up straw men to knock down with your big-brained super-logic, give the ad hominem a break, and try to engage in a conversation about population without totally losing your shit?

There are too many of us. I don't know how anyone can deny it at this point.

Reading this continuing feud between @news and JZ makes me feel like I'm back in high school.

i know what side i'm on and my team rules! i get positive affirmation by parroting anonymous shit talk comments! promoting online drama is how we create the anarchy we want to see in the world!

and the anarchy i want to see in the world is one that is divorced from actual humans and their personalities and challenges.
abstractions and big ideology for the win!


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