A series of anarchist actions against military draft and the law against deferrals

A series of anarchist actions against military draft and the law against deferrals

From Revolutionary Action (Grodno, Minsk, Brest)

Belarusian anarchists continue street campaigning against the newly introduced “deferral” law, which drives even more young people into draft slavery. In Minsk, Grodno, Brest, leaflets were distributed about the new law and methods to fight back. On one of the military registration and enlistment offices in Brest, the banner “Deputies to the army, students to study” was hung.

Self-organization in small groups and street campaigning to attract people – this is where you can start a protest activity. If you allow the authorities to easily skip this law, it will only get worse. A military draft in the Belarusian army is something that may affect you or your loved one, son or friend. And the consequences of the service can not only spoil the future life, but also completely cut it off, as was the case with many who died in the military. Our inaction only helps bandits with power.

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There’s some in U.S.A. who want to make signing up to selective military service automatic with obtaining the driver’s license. Watch out for that.

If it wasn't for the great U. S. A Marine Corps I would be a homeless bum without any self-discipline, self-respect, and self-initiative. I HAVE BEEN EMPOWERED by the Marine ethics. Since becoming a Marine I have more respect for my fellow human beings whatever their race, gender or politics, actually I'm a nihilist Marine, so I don't make distinctions between race or gender, BUT if someone threatens the life of a U S.A citizen, it is MY DUTY to assist them by whatever means to defend their lives and secure a perimeter, even if I was stationed overseas and a USA anarchist's life was being threatened by alt-right thugs or Neo-Nazi pretty boys, I would use full force to enable their evacuation and repatriation to their homeland. We are all brothers and sisters despite our political differences.
There is room for youthful anarchists, nihilists and incels to join the armed forces and develop their character and strength, and 7ltimately, their self-esteem and autonomy.

propaganda has been coming in surrealist flavors (among many others) for more than (or close to) a century now

I am Marine 6:01, and yes, propaganda has been around even since the Ancient Times, and let me just remind you that the Marine version of Propaganda of the Deed is, ,,,,,WE ARE GONNA COME DOWN ON AND DESTROY ANYONE WHO STOPS US FROM UPHOLDING OUR INDIVIDUALIST VALUES LIKE A TON OF SPECTACULAR HEAVY EXPLOSIVES AND HAILSTORMS OF LEAD, until our brothers and sisters are back in the land of the FREEEEEEEE!!!

Lucky or not.. The US military's the opposite to the Canadian. You have no idea all the steep regulations, security ratings and tests you're subjected to, only for being a dishwasher or something in the Armed Forces.

Perhaps this is reopening the thrown away question of anarchist engagement in the army, not matter how it is the most contradictory thing ever, given the intense hierarchy and conformity proned in the forces. Tho I recognize that Canadian soldiers are some of the best people around. The shitty dehumanizing conditions know in the "free society" of the outside made it look like a desirable option for me quite a few times.

The military teaches a person almost everything they need to know to survive; how to tie your shoes, when and what to eat, respect for your fellow human, etc. And Tactics Techniques and Procedures (TTP's) and Capabilities and Limitations; A way to think about war.
Unfortunately it is used by capitalists to take property from the weak but disguised as the "do-good force".
I recommend doing as short a stint as possible (8 years is currently the minimum) to get the perspective and training and then use it against the oppressors.

lol, how much money is allotted to weak-ass propaganda? the main incentive will be the economic one. you’ll never have a shortage of soon to be ptsd depressed gun having injured vets.

allow me to correct...i forgot about killer robots...i hate living in The Future...

If you are facing the draft, you are looking at a government giving you both a beef with them and a gun. During the Vietnam War, one would-be inductee told his draft board "give me my rifle, and give me my training" so he could use them on the draft board. Another showed up for a pre-induction physical carrying a large North Vietnamese flag. Neither ever heard from their draft board again.

Fast-forward to the 1980's:

When I was a teenager, Reagan tried to bring the draft back for his dirty war in El Salvador. Those two issue were what brought me into activism. I publicly refused to register for the draft and warned that if I fought in El Salvador it would not be on Reagan's side. Reagan was fighting to preserve settler domination over an Indigenous majority, and being part Ojibewe myself that was a war against my own people. Reagan wanted to conscript slave labor to fight that war on top of all else, as it was clear he would never get enough volunteers to support it.armed

In the end, we forced an end to prosecutions for refusal to register for the draft after just 26 indictments by 1986. The law still exists but if you don't want to load yourself down with student loans you can ignore it with impunity and that has been the case since 1986. Certainly nothing ever happened to me for publicly refusing and daring them to "come out and fight" back in 1983.

Reagan wanted to wait out the resistance to registration, then begin classifying people for induction. Next he wanted to wait out that wave of resistance and begin inducting people into the "individual ready reserve." We shut that down cold.

With no road to the draft, Reagan had to back off his worst plans for military intervention. Although he sponsored terrorism and death squads all over Central America, direct US intervention was limited to advisers. In 1988, with his last term in office ending, Reagan decided to "go for it" draft or no draft. He started building up US troops in Honduras with an eye towards an invasion of Nicaragua. People often ask "what war did the antiwar movement ever stop?" and I answer "THAT one." We mobilized in something like 180 cities on the first day of troop movments. Here in DC we were chain-burarmedning US flags and draft registration forms in front of the White House. This went on for day after day, until three weeks later Reagan threw in the towel and withdrew the troops without ever deploying them.

The awful civil war in Central America went on, but the US was now unable to "put the ball in the end zone." The Sandinistas called an election-and stepped down peacefully when they lost (unlike what Trump might do). The war in El Salvador continued, with a 1990 FMLN offensive that hoped to end the war but was met with governmental bombing of poor neighborhoods. The war ended in a negotiated settlement a few years later, and in the 2000's the FMLN took power in an election.

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