Trial Update on Tangerang Prisoners

Trial Update on Tangerang Prisoners



The trial on June 22 2020 took place with the agenda of the exception of Tangerang anarchist prisoners, as the legal counsel explained various unfair trial practices conducted by the police during the arrest.

At the moment our comrades are currently waiting for the exception decision to be accepted or not. Their trial will continue on Thursday, June 25, 2020 at 13:00 West Indonesia Time, at Tangerang District Court.

Let’s keep our eyes on them and maintain solidarity until everyone is free!


Sidang pada 22 Juni 2020 berlangsung dengan agenda eksepsi kawan-kawan tahanan anarkis Tangerang, pendamping hukum memaparkan berbagai praktik unfair trial yang dilakukan polisi terhadap mereka.

Saat ini mereka menunggu keputusan eksepsi diterima atau tidak. Sidang mereka akan berlanjut hari kamis, 25 Juni 2020 pukul 13.00 WIB, di Pengadilan Negeri Tangerang.

Pantau dan perjuangkan terus sampai bebas!

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