Pietro Ferrua (1930-2021)

by Marianne Enckell, CIRA Lausanne, August 2021, Translated by Paul Sharkey

This founding father of the CIRA died in Portland, Oregon, USA on 28 July 2021.

He was born in San Remo on 18 September 1930 to a housewife mother and a father who worked as a casino croupier. Whilst in his youth, he served in the Resistance as a runner. Come the Liberation, he and two comrades launched the ‘Alba dei Liberi’ anarchist group in San Remo. All three refused to perform their military service. Jailed in 1950 as a conscientious objector, Ferrua then went partly to ground, helping to organize international libertarian camp-outs, editing the review Senza limiti (1952-1954, 5 issues) and working on the sites of the International Civilian Service.

Repression in Belarus in August 2021

Write an anarchist prisoner today!

from ABC Belarus

It’s been more than a year since the beginning of the protests in Belarus caused by falsified elections. A lot of our comrades have been put behind bars, many had to flee the country, public activity is hampered not only for anarchists, but for all dissident associations and groups. Below you will see a short update on the situation with the repressions in Belarus with a focus on anarchists and antifascists. We will try to release these updates at the end of each month.

Mobilisations of Philippines Anarchism

Mobilisations of Philippines Anarchism

From The Commoner by Simoun Magsalin

Part I

The current Philippine anarchist milieu is a relatively recent phenomenon dating from the 1990s, but there have been precedents dating from the precolonial period before the arrival of the Spanish, the American colonial period, and the First Quarter Storm (the militant period before the Marcos Dictatorship). Despite the influences anarchism has had on the radical history of the Philippines, it remains an under-studied subject, especially in social movement studies. My objective with this article is twofold: (1) to locate the niche that Philippine anarchism occupies in the radical history of the country, and (2) to investigate the factors that have contributed to the mobilisation of Philippine anarchism and its precedents. Through this, I hope to provide a panoramic perspective on the place Philippine anarchism occupies in the radical history of the archipelago.

Case Revisited - Kaczynski's Lingering Influence in 2021

Kelley and I discuss the Unabomber, Ted Kaczynski, and his life. We discuss how his anti-technology beliefs and extreme outlook resonate with events and radical, anti-government movements in this current day and age. And finally we explore what lessons can be learned by looking at this case in hindsight.

See the full video and transcript below. I edited the text slightly for clarity’s sake, just to remove filler words and put anything I forgot to say in.

Announcing the Rust Belt Rising Center

from It's Going Down

Announcing a new anarchist political center in so-called Rockford, Illinois.

We’re excited to announce our new political center in Rockford, Illinois. The mission of Rust Belt Rising is to spread ideas and practices of autonomous revolutionary traditions and anarchy informed by black, brown and indigenous resistance to the State, Capital, and colonialism.

Sweden: Arson Shell Trucks in Solidarity with Anarchist Prisoners

Taken from the following link: https://telegra.ph/Gori-shell-08-30

Machine Assisted Translation for Anarchist News by Cretin

Note: Interestingly this communique was written in Russian, although the attack took place in Sweden.

Lund, Sweden - Solidarity with Anarchist Prisoners: Arson of Shell Truck Trailers

Review: The Operating System by Eric Laursen

"The Operating System: An Anarchist Analysis of the State" (2021) by Eric Laursen VS "The Desktop Regulatory State: The Countervailing Power of Individuals and Networks" (2016) by Kevin Carson

from Center for a Stateless Society

by Kevin Carson

Laursen is wrong, in my opinion, to define statism in entirely qualitative rather than quantitative terms, and to posit such a low threshold of engagement with the state (anything that “occupies cracks and corners within the operating system,” or relies on “infrastructure of roads, airports, housing, postal systems,” etc.) as sufficient for defining it as a component of the state.

London Anarchist Bookfair & Antiuniversity Now

Caught in the net

From London Anarchist Bookfair and Antiuniversity

The Antiuniversity and the Anarchist Bookfair in London are joining forces in 2021 to bring together a week-long Antiuniversity Festival from the 4th to the 10th of September and the Anarchist Bookfair on the 11th and 12th of September.


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