
2 articles about Laurance Labadie

Laurence Labadie and Oriole Tucker

from Center for a Stateless Society by Eric Fleischmann

Laurance Labadie’s “Anarchism Applied to Economics”
Announcing: The Laurance Labadie Archival Project

While Anarchism is, in one sense, not a constructed philosophy, that is, not a “system,” anarchists stand firm “constructively” in the position above stated. What form voluntary associations which anarchists contemplate will take, remains for the future to evince. Anarchism primarily, is not an economic arrangement but a social philosophy based upon the conclusion that man is happy and independent in proportion to the freedom he experiences and can maintain.

Libertarian Anticapitalism w/ Rad Geek

from Center for a Stateless Society

The Enragés: Libertarian Anticapitalism with Rad Geek

For the ninth installment of The Enragés, host Joel Williamson met with Rad Geek to discuss his left-libertarian classic article titled "Libertarian Anticapitalism".

Rad Geek (Charles Johnson) is an individualist anarchist technologist and “sometimes writer”, living in the Deep South. He researches topics in the history and theory of radical individualism, left-libertarianism, and market anarchism, with an interest in intellectual and social history, and analytic philosophy.

On “Living Proof” and Anarchism

from Center for a Stateless Society

by N_u_l_l

If any message can be taken away from the above, it is that change doesn’t need to start as the loud roar of revolution, nor end as a whimper as seen in electoral politics: can be here, and it can be now. And in many ways, anarchist interactions are already here. People reciprocate all the time without use of a state, people trade without the use of a state, people create value without use of a state, people love and multiply without use of the state, so on and so forth.

Ending Gun Violence by Defunding the Police

No, wait! What?!

from Center for a Stateless Society by Logan Marie Glitterbomb

Very rarely does a piece of legislation offer us a decent solution to the issues it claims to address, but this seems like one of those rare times. So please, contact your congresscritters and pressure them into voting yes on the Break the Cycle of Violence Act.

Review: The Operating System by Eric Laursen

"The Operating System: An Anarchist Analysis of the State" (2021) by Eric Laursen VS "The Desktop Regulatory State: The Countervailing Power of Individuals and Networks" (2016) by Kevin Carson

from Center for a Stateless Society

by Kevin Carson

Laursen is wrong, in my opinion, to define statism in entirely qualitative rather than quantitative terms, and to posit such a low threshold of engagement with the state (anything that “occupies cracks and corners within the operating system,” or relies on “infrastructure of roads, airports, housing, postal systems,” etc.) as sufficient for defining it as a component of the state.

Is “Anarchy” Inherent to Anarchism?

anarchism is like an asymptote

from Center for a Stateless Society

Anarchism, for a lot of people who are not affiliated with it or don’t bother reading political theory, can be quite hard to talk about in a sufficiently nuanced manner. For example: here we will discuss the difference between anarchy and anarchism, which is bigger than you might think.

The Concentration of Capital

free markets..free markets...free...mark..ets...frr..marrrr..kkkkttt..tttt.sssss...

from Center for a Stateless Society

The Benefits of Non-Capitalist Markets

Instead, the people should ideally be viewed as individuals, as egos floating on the plains, and all these individuals should have the space of movement they deserve. For that, we need anarchy and consensus-based ownership of the means of production and consensus-based organization of society. Only then will we truly free the people, all people, not only people of a certain class, race, gender, or sex.

Agoric Cafe! Ep. 33

Don't judge a book by its cover. But also, reading is for nerds.

from Agoric Cafe!

Ep. 33: San Diego Bookstores, Part 5: GROUNDWORK BOOKS

Continuing the San Diego bookstores series, Roderick Long chats with Jack Ran of the Groundwork Book Collective, a radical left-wing bookstore on the campus of UCSD. Topics include running a bookstore as an egalitarian collective; participating in wildcat strikes; surviving arson attacks; the dynamics of anarchist/Marxist cooperation; conflicts with the university administration; what campus leftists owe to Donald Trump; and the joys of reading Proudhon, Kevin Carson, and Shawn Wilbur.

"Checkmate Anarchists"

Anarchy: when you gesture about how things might be differently, if they were exactly the same

from Center for a Stateless Society

“Checkmate Anarchists: Humans Will Always Create Structures and Laws” by Alex Aragona

Of course, how exactly different social structures, hierarchies, rules, codes of conduct, and so on would look is not something the anarchist can (or should) attempt to flesh out in detail — though they can think on tendencies or currents. The point is that it is crucial to understand that an anarchist society is one that will tend to some form of organized decision-making, will lead to the creation of certain institutions, and will lead to some form of establishment and adherence to sets of rules and laws.


There Are No “Anarchist Systems” without Anarchist Fundamentals

Anarchy is the set of principles that allow you to build justified hierarchies with a hammer. Or do you not know how to use a hammer and stop children from going into traffic?

from Center for a Stateless Society by Alex Aragona

Anarchists and those learning about anarchism should prioritize the bare-bone fundamentals of anarchist thinking, and these tenets should be the starting point. Such fundamentals almost always simply and neatly refer back to how one regards hierarchies and power in general, and which ones (if any) can justify themselves. If they can’t justify their existence, they ought not exist.

Governance in Pirate Societies

We command honest men’s adoration.

from Center for a Stateless Society

How Cost-Benefit Considerations Produced “Progressive” Governance in Pirate Societies

by Emile Phaneuf

Without economics, Leeson writes, pirates are “sadistic pacifists; womanizing homosexuals; treasure-lusting socialists; and madmen who outwitted the authorities. They’re stealthy outlaws who loudly announced their presence with flags of skulls and bones. They’re libertarians who conscripted nearly all their members, democrats with dictatorial captains, and lawless anarchists who lived by a strict code of rules. They’re torturous terrorists who command honest men’s adoration.”

Stirner, Wittgenstein, and Anarchism

Stirner, Wittgenstein, and Anarchism. Do I get to pick?

From C4SS by Rai Ling, June 25th, 2021

The work of Max Stirner is a contentious topic among anarchists, with numerous interpretations of his work, ranging from descriptive, presenting a certain framework of thought, to prescriptive, advocating for anti-authoritarianism, and expressing a commitment to “individualism.” It is my position that egoism is primarily descriptive in nature. The key distinctions Stirner makes, those between fixed and unfixed ideas, and conscious and unconscious egoism, do not lead us to any normative conclusions, despite Stirner’s clear personal opposition to the state and authority in general. Rather, many anarchists are egoists because they find personal value in this perspective. Egoism has both everything and nothing to do with anarchism.


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