
From Uprising to Plebiscite: Street Victories, Electoral Defeats

From CrimethInc.

Perspectives from Chile on the Constitutional Plebiscite

In October 2019, an uprising exploded throughout Chile. For a while, the police and armed forces lost control. Seeking to placate the rebels, the government announced a plebiscite about whether to replace the constitution, a relic of the far-right dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet. [...] As it turned out, in the plebiscite of September 4, 2022, a majority of Chileans voted to reject the proposed constitution—shocking many Chilean leftists, who had not expected such a resounding defeat.

Call for the 1st International Anarchist Film Festival & Fair – January 2023

Dear kompitas, we have the tremendous pleasure of telling you that we are working to carry out the “1st INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL AND ANARCHIST FAIR” in $antiago, $hileno territory. Together with several accomplices compañerxs from different territories.

Raise the call to all those who carry out audiovisual work with social, libertarian content, whether with documentaries, short films, films, videos, etc. To which nxs send their material and can participate in the festival.

Explosive Attentat Topples High Tension Tower

the power didn't even go out?! say whaat?!

At 04:30 in the morning of Sunday September 4, 2022, soon before the elections that aimed to elucidate which would be the reigning constitution, anonymous hands decided to stay far away from the ballots, and near sabotage. A Transelec high tension tower was completely toppled, also damaging the towers that were contiguous to it. In spite of the destruction, the power supply was not interrupted in the area.

Our Position on the Constitutional Plebiscite

Our Position on the Constitutional Plebiscite

From Black Rose Anarchist Federation by Anarchist Federation of Santiago (Chile)

by Black Rose/Rosa Negra External Education Committee
Translation by Black Rose/Rosa Negra International Relations Committee

Beginning in late 2019, millions of people began taking to the streets across Chile. Initially sparked by a student protest against public transit fare hikes, the mass demonstrations soon took on a popular character, with participants demanding redress for decades of stark social inequality. Massive marches and pitched battles with the police took place over a period of months, during which thousands were arrested, injured, maimed, and some even killed. As well, in the midst of the uprising, neighborhood assemblies were constructed and an ecosystem of social activity emerged.

Joint Communiqué in Solidarity w/ Giannis Michailidis & Mapuche Hunger Strike

"From the territory occupied by the Chilean State, to the Greek region. From pikun mapu, to wallmapuche. Words from the Chilean prisons by Juan, Mónica, Francisco, Joaquín and Marcelo"

From the territory occupied by the Chilean State, to the Greek region directly to the heart of comrade Giannis Michailidis, we send a subversive and anarchic hug alongside all the internationalist fraternity in permanent revolt, with all the strength of the memory in resistance and attack to the rotten world of capitalist normality.

Sugako – Advance 2021

The lyrics are concerned with the name sake of the group, Kanno Sugako, a Japanese anarchist journalist interested in the liberation of women and humanity as a whole. She was executed by hanging on January 25, 1911 by the Japanese government due to her connections to the High Treason Incident, a plot by a group of socialists and anarchist to assassinate the Emperor Meiji. 26 people were arrested of which twelve were hanged to death despite the lack of direct evidence. Two more were sentenced to eight and eleven years of prison respectively and the remaining twelve were sentenced to life imprisonment. Sugako was the last person to be killed.

Incendiary Action

wholesome and heartwarming non-sectarian nighttime activities

From Anarquía, English translation by Anarchist News

Confronting this new restructuring of state-capital with a progressive face, that is only here to continue and perfect the police-military-neoliberal-extractivist regime that they want us to submit to by all means, we consider it's necessary to advance in the accumulation and coordination of revolutionary forces, that, from multiple guerrillas, are resolute in uprooting this system of misery and death. This time, as irreducible individuals we set out to twist the established order, directly confronting its cops, shining over its ugly machines, with the purpose of contributing to the ongoing war, adding this focus of street confrontation with the purpose of obstructing the flow of the decadent productive normality of Santiago, one Friday, in coordination with the different demonstrations and activities taking place at the same time in that city.

Arson attack against telecommunications antenna

It is in this last front, responding to the call to raise the memory of punky in this Black May, is that we have decided to attack a telecommunications antenna of the Entel company, located on a hill in the commune of Puente Alto, in the capital of the territory dominated by the Chilean state. We are and will always be against the advance of technology and the digitalization of our lives. The existence of these means the exploitation and devastation of the ñuke mapu, the extraction of its minerals through the genocide of wild species in pursuit of the filthy commodities needed by the warriors to reproduce their cursed existence. Antennas like this one erode their natural environment, both at the time of their installation, as well as in the recurrent maintenance they require. Moreover, the effects on the different beings produced by a world overloaded with electromagnetic waves through these antennas and new technologies such as the 5G network are doubtful. We are not scientists nor do we pretend to prove that they do harm, but the invitation of our instinct to destroy them is enough for us.

Explosive Attack against Gendarmerie Officers Circle in Retirement


Via Dark Nights

+ Claim of “Célula Insurreccional 2 de Noviembre”

During the early morning of May 26, 2022, around 1:00 a.m., two hooded men ride a bicycle to the building where the miserable torturers “in retirement” remain. The Circle of Gendarmerie Officials in Retirement (CIRGENCHI), located in José Toribio Medina # 72, in the heart of downtown Santiago.

The unknown persons left a device to leave quickly without being detected or attracting attention. Soon after, a loud explosion occurs, alerting the neighbors, without causing any damage or injuries.

Call from the prisons of the Chilean state

from Publicacion Refractario via Dark Nights

Communiqué of anarchist and subversive prisoners

Joining wills and consciences for the return to the streets of comrade Marcelo Villarroel Sepúlveda.

A year ago, at this time, we were conducting a hunger strike that lasted 50 days demanding the repeal of the amendments to DL 321, the annulment of the sentences of military prosecution and thus the release to the street of our comrade Marcelo Villarroel. Today we give a new impulse to this struggle, which is fully in force, persisting as a collective priority in the return to the street of Marcelo, in whom are condensed clear and unacceptable legal aberrations that go beyond the very legality of power.

Towards Total Liberation Memory and Counterculture

from Anarquia, via Dark Nights

In combative memory of comrade Mauricio Morales 13 years after his death on the way to attack the gendarmerie school, we gather again around his memorial to take off towards different horizons, always in search of total liberation, fighting all forms of authority.

The struggle against the state is part of the struggle against patriarchy

Write an anarchist prisoner today!

via abolition media

Words from Anarchist Prisoner Mónica Caballero​

Today, power dresses fashionably, it takes on feminist outfits and those of sexual dissent, and why wouldn’t it? If everyone has a place in the democratic party, everyone can be represented in the institutions, we can all have the same constitutional rights. [...] Today, those who do not wait for others to break their chains take to the streets, those who here and now want to destroy patriarchy. Direct action against machismo! Let all institutions burn to their foundations!

Luis and Ignacio Avaca are released from prison!

Write an anarchist prisoner today!

from Publicación Refractario, English translation by Act for freedom now!

In November 2020, an explosive package explodes in the Talca police station, slightly injuring a policeman. [...] This is how the comrades assume the action (We are responsible. About our participation in the fact that we are accused and take political responsibility) and get to be sentenced to 3 years, a sentence that after months of imprisonment, they will continue to serve in the street.


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