
Contribution from 3 anarchists

via Act for freedom now!

Germany, France: Contribution from the 3 anarchists for the event take a place in September 2020 in Marseille.

In September 2020 in Marseille we organized a discussion about the repressive case in Hambourg, that sees three anarchists accused of transporting inflammable materials and preparing different attacks. The arrest took place in July 2019, since then, two of them are imprisoned, while the third comrade has been granted a conditional release. Their trial began in January 2020 and should conclude early November 2020. The event that we organized not only aimed at exchanging information about the repressive operation, but was rather focused on retracing the path of struggle – the interventions, the perspectives, the projects, the publications – with which anarchists in Hambourg deepened social conflictuality over the last ten years. We asked these three comrades to write a contribution for this event, you find it hereunder.

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