Omnibus Law

Arsons Claimed in Indonesia

Our starting point as anarchists is to believe that anarchy is a complete negation of authority. The absence of “justifying” the authoritarianism in the natural form must be destroyed. This thinking finds that deeply within ourselves: autonomy, self-care, love; take control of yourself. At this juncture we're getting stuck in a crowd of mass action that determines a time and attitude within the act. We became complacent about moralization, and therefore our passion was stifled. We became who we are not. This is of course, paralysis, but not death; comrades who attack head-on are antibodies to us – we feel it so – and this “gift” is the detonation that must resonate.

Arson claimed by ‘Long Live Eric King Revolutionary Cell – FAI/FRI'

Arson of Labour Offices Building in Regent Complex of Keerom, West Papua by ‘Long Live Eric King Revolutionary Cell – FAI/FRI'

We claim the burning of the labour offices building in the regent office complex of Keerom, West Papua during the riots on 1 October 2020. We are among the masses angry at Indonesian colonialism, this is just our opening attack and this is not the last. Get ready for explosion and explosion that will keep on the track! If the state and capitalism still exist, peace will never be realized. Therefore, the state and capitalism must be destroyed at once !! Let the fire light up the liberation of West Papua.

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