
Religion: Devotional Anarchism

This Topic of the Week is "Devotional Anarchism" which inaugurates the Theme of Three Weeks of "Religion".

Anarchism, like religion, is a word that lumps together a great variety of disparate people, practices and traditions. How contentious is it to lump all these under the banner of religion, and then lump them in with anarchism as well? How to frame the discussion? With what care and respect, devotion or scorn?

TOTW: Animal friends

No pets, no masters!

Topic of the week - Our everyday lives are often touched in someway by animals. Throughout time, the human / animal relationship has been intertwined with the earliest cave paintings depicting animals and many creation myths incorporating animals as main participants. On the opposite end, animals have experienced the sheer brute force of sharing a world with humans. This week we’re taking a look at animals / pets and the relationship to your anarchist life.

TotW: Figuring It Out: What happened; What to do

Inspired by a few things, including the Facebook supreme court thing (which is a private corporation setting up a tribunal that may or may not be independent but is trying to be, to oversee the private corporation and set standards that might have much wider ramifications), some not-anarchist drama that might as well be, and some past personal experiences--what do you think are the best/worst ways

TOTW: Anarchists across time and space

photo: taken from my recent flight over my living room

Topic of the Week - Recently on the Anarchy Planet IRC*, an idea was shared by a participant there, of creating a network of spots for friends to stay as they travel in a specific direction. For example, spaces and places where traveling, touring, or whatever anarchists could stay for a period of time, plug in, and then journey onward to the next destination, and so on and so forth, until their own personal anarchist Mordor is reached.

TOTW: Conflicto-bolo

In the non-utopic utopia of bolo’bolo, no ibu (person more or less) can be expelled from a bolo (an autonomous, autarkic collection of 300-500 ibu). Within that imagined world of interdependence, where the 300-500 people in your immediate vicinity rely on you and you them for daily survival, there is of course disagreement, hurt feelings, violence and conflict.

TOTW: Inspirations from the Anarchist Milieu

A recent Anews Topic of the Week explored "Embarrassments of the anarchist Milieu" and, unsurprisingly, the engagement with the topic was largely successful. [...] This week, however, we're looking to discuss the flip side of the 'embarrassments topic' and explore inspirational happenings from within the anarchist milieu.

TOTW: Anarchist Supervillains

(Not about Marvel and DC)

For all our talk of solidarity, there are some anarchists who other anarchists just love to hate. In every milieu there are larger than life figures who've transgressed in one way or another - either through something they said, or wrote, or did - and who just won't go away, no matter how much people shout at them.


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