
TOTW: Embarrassments of the anarchist milieu

boooo hissssss

Topic of the Week - Years ago, Anarchy: A Journal of Desire Armed (AJODA) used to have a column called “Embarrassments to the anarchist milieu” where they would choose a specific text or event and share the story, perhaps even write a little about why it’s a total embarrassment. The column provided many lighthearted laughs and a ripe source of drama in the days before the anarchist Internet really got a foothold on the topic. This week we’re chatting about your favorite embarrassments to the anarchist space and the larger ideas surrounding it all.

TOTW: Anarchy as a Service (AaaS)!

...but some nights I quickly fall fast asleep and I dream of the laptop catching fire and consuming the whole room, the whole world...and those nights I sleep well.

Most nights, in the moments before sleep relieves me of the day's dread I often find myself in a darkened room, illuminated by the sickly glow of my laptop screen thinking to myself, "how could better improve its offerings, functionality, user experience, etc. so that the community of anewsians could more satisfyingly (and anarchistically!) interact with one another and better engage with the always interesting and thought provoking article content?"

TOTW: Reflection

In this part of the world, mid-March is the time for planting. Mid-February, then, is the time for reflecting. Reflecting on what you planted last year, reflecting on how things look today, reflecting on how you might do things differently this time round. Reflecting on whether to carry on at all, or to tear it up and burn it down...

ToTW: Escaping Silos

When I use, I use different browser containers, based on what I'm looking for. One container is for news, and serious content, and I do my best (given that I'm ambivalent about news anyway) to find a variety of sources, including mainstream, international, etc. I actively stay away from progressive sources, since those tend to be the assumptions I already make. I mostly don't use the suggested viewing options provided by Their algorithms, but of course that is a lost cause, most likely.

TOTW: Against the map makers

even anarchist map makers?

Topic of the week - Anarchist decolonization. Settler colonialism is ongoing and continues to play into the fabric of contemporary society, and what this means for resistance becomes a critical question for anarchists who seek radical liberatory visions of the future. Continuing the long tradition against colonialism, the state, and capitalism, this week we’re taking a look at anarchist decolonization.

TOTW: Wheel of Pain

For many Anarchy begins with a particular impulse, to change what is. When this impulse takes form, the results vary from activism to insurrection, free love, intentional living, etc. Yet what seemingly every form requires is a vision, a bright point of light one rushes towards, maybe not a better world, but at least a different way of living which we share with others, a dream.

TOTW: One More Time with Feeling?

In 2020 anarchists across the world initiated, witnessed, and participated in a surprisingly large number of uprisings—some that have grown and continued without interruption into 2021.

The new year also brings with it the notion of an entirely new opportunity for anarchists to...

TOTW: The Arts

There's no accounting for taste.

Some people like Sylvia Plath, some people like Ted Hughes. Some people like Twilight, some people like Die Hard. Some people, I hear, even like Mandalorian. People who go to all the same gigs can't agree on which movie to watch. People who love all the same novels fall out over which radio station to listen to in the car. When it comes to the arts, it's anarchy out there.

How has your anarchism shaped your taste in the arts, and how has your taste in the arts shaped your anarchism?

TOTW: Anarcho-gifting

But for us, there has to be something in between gift economy, disappointing workplace secret santas, and occasional looting, right?

What distinguishes anarchist gift-giving from its more mundane forms? What are examples of this you’ve heard of or experienced? What’s the best gift you’ve gotten related to anarchism? What’s the best you’ve given?


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