
Atlanta: More Talk More Rock!

Atlanta: More Talk More Rock!

From Scenes from the Atlanta Forest
August 30, 2023

To the individuals who wrote the theses on “anti-tiqqunism”, we don’t want to spend a lot of time on you, because there’s better things we could all be doing like actually defending the forest, and we are glad some French comrades who have had horrible experiences with appelistes (the French tiqqunists who sold out anarchists at the Zad in order to negotiate for state-sanctioned land projects) got to you first on here. We hope people check out the links they shared about the history of the Zad, in reading these pieces we see familiar parallels to the specific ways militants have already been fucked over in Atlanta.

Betraying Anarchy? Xin Shiji & The Four Elders

from The Commoner

by Samuel Clarke

Today there is often a great deal of discussion about what makes (or inversely, what does not make) someone an anarchist. This can involve some unfair gatekeeping, say in the outright exclusion of the individualist or market anarchist, but can also involve some very frank discussions about our theory and political praxis. What appears to be universal amongst anarchists (historical and modern), however, is a complete denunciation of electoral and party politics.

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