bodily autonomy

Abortion and Bodily Autonomy

From Antimídia Via Contra Info

In this episode of Anarchist Voices, based on the case of an 11 years old girl from Catarina who, after being raped, was disallowed by the medical and judicial authorities to abort, Flávia Lucchesi analyzes the autonomy of bodies with wombs who face state control and reactionary threats.

Part 1 & 2: Birth Control Pioneers & the Jerk Who Tried to Stop Them

Birth Control Pioneers & the Jerk Who Tried to Stop Them

From Cool People Who Did Cool Stuff

Some people have to fight for the right to use birth control, some people have to fight for the right to bear children. Margaret talks with Katy Stoll about Emma Goldman, Angela Heywood, Fannie Lou Hamer, and the complex fight for reproductive freedom in the US.

Olympia Info Night: The Struggle for Bodily Autonomy

The revoking of the Roe V. Wade decision is the latest act in a long struggle between bodily autonomy and state/religious domination over our bodies. Come learn about how this struggle has played out over the years, the major players aiming for total domination over our bodies and lives, how movements have fought in the past, and what the currently unfolding struggle looks like. Stick around for a collective discussion on how we can better engage in this fight, how to offer support to more deeply impacted places, and how this fight connects to other liberation struggles.

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