Federation of Anarchism Era

Biographies of Anarchist Fighters of Iran’s Geography

From The Federation of Anarchism Era
September-October, 2023

Biography of Anarchist Fighters of Iran’s Geography (No. 1)

I was born in 2004. Like many other comrades, I don’t know in which hospital I was born. But the hellish city where I grew up is clipped to Khuzestan province. Like my other comrades, my first prison was family, and I learned the struggle bit by bit from there. My uncle killed my older sister, and no different fate than that was imaginable for me.

Do not capitalize on the fate of the Afghan people with dirty policies!

People who supported NATO forces by paying taxes. People who voted in elections to support the policies of political parties in their countries regarding Afghanistan; If they do not act today, if today they do not oppose the backing of the people of Afghanistan with their country’s military, tomorrow, in the eyes of history and our people, as much as all the perpetrators of the current war in Afghanistan, they are to blame.

Federation of Anarchism Era on Iran and Afghanistan

Federation of Anarchism Era on Iran and Afghanistan

From The Final Straw Radio

The collective we spoke to for this episode began as a series of remotely-hosted blogs and communication methods among Iranian anarchists at home and abroad. By 2015 anarchists from Afghanistan had started to join and in 2018 the comrades from within Iran and Afghanistan and those living internationally founded Anarchist Union of Afghanistan and Iran. Since, more individuals and groups have joined up from around North Africa, the middle east and other places in the world and they in 2020 re-organized themselves the Federation of Anarchism Era. Last January, after the assassination by the US Trump administration of the murderous Quds leader Soleymani we spoke with members of the then-named AUAI about the network, living under 19 years of US war and 40 years of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

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