
Finding God in Punk Anarchism: Life in a gnostic underground

From Commonweal (February 2024 issue)
By Aaron Lake Smith
January 30, 2024

I sought and found the Holy Spirit elsewhere, in punk music, which quickly led to anarchist hardcore music, radical politics, rioting, rallies, and trips across the world to disrupt World Economic Forum meetings. The anti-globalization movement was in full swing at the time. I embraced this world based on gut emotions, rather than sustained study of all the Noam Chomsky and Howard Zinn books we shoplifted from Barnes & Noble.

Review: The Dawn of Everything

From A las barricadas, translated by Freedom News UK

After reading a few Marxist criticisms of Graeber and Wengrow’s book, I decided to take a look because if something displeases a Marxist, it will surely make me laugh. After a cursory glance, I understood the rejection.

Elon Musk Says That Politically, He’s a “Utopian Anarchist”

if you're SO anarchist plz donate $420,069.00 million to help support Anews project


"I don’t mean to suggest chaos, but rather that you’re not under anyone’s thumb."

Tesla CEO Elon Musk isn’t one to follow rules, particularly when he thinks they’re bogus.

TOTW: Embarrassments of the anarchist milieu

boooo hissssss

Topic of the Week - Years ago, Anarchy: A Journal of Desire Armed (AJODA) used to have a column called “Embarrassments to the anarchist milieu” where they would choose a specific text or event and share the story, perhaps even write a little about why it’s a total embarrassment. The column provided many lighthearted laughs and a ripe source of drama in the days before the anarchist Internet really got a foothold on the topic. This week we’re chatting about your favorite embarrassments to the anarchist space and the larger ideas surrounding it all.

Stand with Anarchist Publishers Banned by Facebook

"So it's definitely necessary to break out Emacs and modify that Perl script." - the zuck

From Change dot org, via Anarchist Agency

Sign our open letter to oppose Facebook's "both sides" narrative as they align with the Trump administration to suppress the voices of activists and media producers associated with left protest movements.

Destroy Passionately!

From Distinctively Dyonysian

...Once again the men of the press and the police have earned the gratitude of that portion of the population that doesn’t yet appreciate the picturesque charm of palaces in ruin, and the strange beauty of fallen buildings. [...] All the better! Because it is edifying to see that if there is a small number of clever exploiters among our enemies, the great mass of them is made up of imbeciles who push the limits of naivete all the way to the horizon.

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