The Local Kids

The Local Kids: Issue 9

The Local Kids: Issue 9

From The Local Kids

All has changed yet everything remains the same. Several shocks have reverberated through society over the last years and changed our reality profoundly. At the same time, the monotony of daily life continues to impose itself relentlessly. Whether this observation is frightening or comforting speaks volumes about one’s perspective or mood.

The Local Kids - Issue 8

The Local Kids - Issue 8

From The Local Kids

Again we’re being mobilized, called on to take sides. And again the right side happens to be the side of the state we’re living under. What a coincidence – are we still calling it the media, press, etc. instead of a propaganda machine? This time bombs are falling on houses. The murderous reality of war in Europe has reappeared in front of everyone’s eyes. For decades, Europe pretended it was living a peaceful life while unspeakable massacres happened in the Balkans, while wars were waged in its name all over the world, while revolutions were smothered with blood on its borders, while people were beaten and drowned trying to cross its borders. The illusion of peace is what our leaders wanted us to hold on to and many did so out of convenience.

The Local Kids: Issue 7 – Summer 2021

from The Local Kids

Population management is now supposedly the responsibility of everyone. Obedience to the state has been dressed up as solidarity. More surveillance is called freedom. All in the name of a return to normal life that appears as a mirage in the desert. Should we rehash for the umpteenth time a comparison to 1984? Its author might have thought that it takes a continuous and considerate effort to see what’s right in front of your nose; can we truly say that? Is it difficult to see what’s going on? Or is it that we speak different languages and will find no common understanding of life?

The Local Kids: Issue 4

From The Local Kids

A compilation of texts, a contribution to a correspondence between those who desire anarchy and subversion.

At what point can one speak in the plural? When one is plus one, or should it at least be a few, or many more? Some will consider it a failure to speak as a lone voice; for others it’s the most valued stage to speak from. Determined to not be alone, putting forward questions, should one be satisfied by any response? The outcome of the encounter can be so tasteless and banal that the effort seems senseless. Determined to speak up, are there still questions left unanswered? At times the continuous affirmation of the I becomes nauseating; it’s unclear if anyone is still supposed to be listening. The persistence of the individual to carry on can be admirable, but isn’t it suspicious – this avoid

The Local Kids - Issue 3

From The Local Kids

Life is separated into different phases; as you pass through the years, you are supposed to move on, to progress. One part of life is dedicated to education and exploration, inspired by the naivety and idealism of the inexperienced. Another is about application and comfort, framed by the maturity and pragmatism of the learned. Eventually you arrive at accomplishment and can reap the rewards of a fulfilled life. Only maybe temporarily upset by some (un)desired reskilling and the uncertainty that the future holds. At least that’s how it should be. Or should it?

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