
How does it change?

Via Dark Nights

On 8th August a repressive operation has been inflicted upon 10 comrades, resulting in four house arrests with all restrictions, five residence obligations with overnight return, and one comrade in prison due to not having proof of residence. All are accused of the charge of subversive association for the purpose of terrorism (art. 270 bis c. p.) and incitement to commit crimes (art. 424 c. p.) aggravated by the purpose of terrorism, in connection with the publication, as of 2020, of the fortnightly internationalist anarchist “Bezmotivny,” as well as offense to the honor and prestige of the president of the republic and clandestine printing.

Role of printers, pressers in the anarchist movement spotlighted in new book

From University of Hawai'i News

Anarchist letterpress printers and presses from the late 1800s through the 1940s is the focus of a new book by a University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa Department of Political Science and Department of Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies faculty member.

Reporters Without Orders

From Reporters Without Orders Launching on January 1, 2023.

Introducing Reporters Without Orders

As the date set for the launch draws closer, RWO is a one-man operation, consisting of myself - Lee Kavanagh - as editor, publisher, graphic designer, and everything else. But it is my deepest hope for this little rag that it may attract some talented journalists, anarchists, and assorted other firebrands and writers to get involved, either as permanent staff (columnists, editors, reporters, etc.) or as regular contributors.

Help upgrade the Self-organized Printing Group of Ioannina [Greece] “Titivillus”!

via Enough14

Call for financial support!

Ioannina. Greece. The self-organized group “Titivillus”, came into existence in the summer of 2017. Since then we have been trying to set up an infrastructure, with the aim to contribute, with our time and effort, to the diffusion of the anarchist/antiauthoriatarian/autonomous printed word produced by collectives and individuals. With this text we are kickstarting a campaign to raise money to upgrade our printing equipment with the purchase of a folding machine and a pin (sheet stapling). We estimate that this equipment, used, and in good condition, will cost us around 3,000 euros.

The sad dilemma of "A" anarchist magazine

via El Libertario, English translation by Anarchist News

The news, in itself, is simple, though unpleasant: after forty-nine years, "A" Rivista Anarchica ceases its publications. The first Italian publication "in alphabetical order" will no longer reach its subscribers and its interlocutors, leaving a hole where every month it was possible to read a fairly exhaustive review of themes and ideas from the varied libertarian world. The story is known and tinged with legend: Fabrizio De André's favorite monthly forum (who supported it financially), the voice that denounced the "state massacre" in Piazza Fontana, promoter of the campaign for the liberation of Pietro Valpreda, always with the intimate conviction that "there are no good powers" and that, therefore, anarchy is not an extreme position, but the only truly acceptable one.

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