Shane Burley

Cindy Milstein

Cindy Milstein

From Full Stop by Shane Burley

As mutual aid networks created the infrastructure that allowed for the explosion of mass movements, direct action, and the occupation of public spaces during the 2020 protests, people began to ask if we were building a new society or trying to rediscover one that had been scrubbed from our memory. A little of both can be true: Alongside the story of Western imperialism and colonialism is the story of how people resisted their oppression and built community despite the odds. 

Margaret Killjoy

imagine having Shane Burley interview you...

From Full Stop by Shane Burley

Speculative Fiction can be a place where we dream about what is possible, or even what we think is not. Because it is about future worlds or alternative trajectories, it opens up our imagination to a fundamental change in our society. For better or for worse, it is a temporal projection where we can take seriously (or precisely un-seriously) what giant social shifts can result in. This may be part of why we are living through a massive surge of radical Speculative/Science Fiction, which adds a revolutionary dimension to this world building. It alternates between two perspectives, the dystopian, where we see through the conclusions of the human self-destruction we are witnessing, or its alternative, the utopian. The utopian Speculative Fiction is the much harder of the two, willing to take risks by imagining something provocatively different, better, than what we have now.

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