what is anarchy?

On being an ethical anarchist & shit like that

from A las barricadas, English translation by Anarchist News

by Acratosaurio rex

What is it to be an anarchist? How do you measure that? Malatesta gave a definition that said that an anarchist is one who does not want to command and does not want to obey. He neither wants to dominate, nor to be dominated. Being an anarchist would therefore be a desire. A complex desire. Federica Montseny I think also used to say that anarchism is a philosophy of freedom, which intends the greater good for all. Which is something that is also not clear, what is the greater good.

Does one have to be a perfect person to be an anarchist?

from Pensar en el margen via El Libertario, English translation by Anarchist News,

What is being anarchist?

by Laura Vicente

I would like to dismantle that idea that many people repeat that you cannot be an anarchist because that implies almost perfection in terms of the way of living and being. I am in favor of denying any transcendence to the term "anarchism" since it is the work of human beings. Anarchism is creation, or rather self-creation. The idealization of the term is always denied by reality since the human being is imperfect and contradictory.

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